
Helena_Character Quiz [OW]

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SnowyFox-Roxy's avatar

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Character Quiz OW Edition for Helena

1. Submit this as a new deviation to "Otherlife" when you complete it.
2. Make sure the character answers truthfully! It's not as fun otherwise ;)
3. Put the wordcount of the entire submission (rules and questions included) in the description.
4. Feel free to tag other OW members if they haven't filled it out yet, or you want to see their character answer in particular.

Question 1: What's your name, and why did you decide to enroll in Otherworlde Academy?
_My name is Helena Drăculea and I decided to enroll in Otherworlde Academy to get rid of my boredom and also to learn new interesting stuff and thus becoming more powerfull...oh and also to make more funny and unique friends!

Question 2: What classes have you taken so far, and what do you think of them?
_ Up until now I passed SHD 102, PTS 101 and now I currently doing my assignments for PTS 202,as for what do I think of them....hmm it's AWESOME !!!. I mean I can do ALL sorts of stuff with shadow tendrils and also I can make lots of crazy potions....YEAH!! VERY AWESOME!!!

Question 3: Who is your favorite teacher?
_Professor Helmy!!! He is just so cool..I know he has a VERY colorful way talking *heh* but that's part of his charm !

Question 4: Social skills time! What friends have you made here in the academy?
_hmm I only have three friends till now: Willow,Cecelia and Marlena, Hope to make more!

Question 5: And enemies, those are important. Did you make any enemies?
_Nope. I have no enemies ...yet!

Question 6: See anyone attractive that you might have a crush on? ;D Be honest!
_Nah. Not yet!

Question 7: Do you support any ships/pairings at the academy?
_I don't know of any ships/pairings. I feel so lonely right now TT^TT.

Question 8: What weaknesses are you trying to make up for in your studies?
_I hope to find a potion that can help me get rid of the Weaknesses against sun and silver.

Question 9: If you suddenly switched bodies with the person (or a person) from Question 5, what would you do?
_Heh I have no enemies yet, but I'd probably do something to embarrass him/her since his/her body is under my command...I would not hurt her/him because I don't know for sure if I'll be the one to actually feel the pain.

Question 10: What if you switched bodies from the person in Number 6?
_Heh . I'd probably ogle myself in the mirror ALL DAY LONG... o and I'd be shirtless, XD

Question 11: Do you know any upperclassmen?
_unfortunately no,but I'd love to!

Question 12: Who scares you the most in the academy? Student, teacher, etc.
_um I think that would be Professor Katja. The flying head freaks me outt...

Question 13: Who inspires you the most in the academy? Student, teacher, etc.
_hmm I think that is professor Helmy. One day I wish to get as good with potions as he is!!!

Question 14: If you had to kill one student who wasn't in Question 5, who would you pick?
_Right now,no one since I never met any person to actually annoy me so much that I'd  want to cut his/her head off ..but who knows what the future might bring......

Question 15: Is there anyone on campus you would die for to protect them?
_I'd die in any moment for my dear friends!
Words: 583

I tag:  :iconvullexa:  :iconannamaru:  :iconsharkiey:
© 2015 - 2024 SnowyFox-Roxy
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xod4ox's avatar
This is very interesting, thanks for tagging me!!